6-9 Classes
  • There is no homework today.

9-12 Classes
  • There is no homework today.

Upcoming Events
  • TERM DATES 2025:
    Holiday care opens: 13 Jan
    Term 1: 16 Jan − 27 Mar
    Term 2: 09 Apr − 26 Jun
    Term 3: 23 July − 02 Oct
    Term 4: 14 Oct − 05 Dec
    Holiday care closes
    12 Dec

  • Public & School Holidays 2025
    21 Mar − Human Rights Day
    18 Apr − Good Friday
    21 Apr − Family Day
    27 Apr − Freedom Day
    28 Apr − Freedom Day Observed
    29 April − School Holiday
    30 April − School Holiday
    01 May − Worker’s Day
    02 May − School Holiday
    16 Jun − Youth Day
    09 Aug − Woman’s Day
    24 Sept − Heritage Day
    16 Dec − Day of Reconciliation
    25 Dec − Christmas Day
    26 Dec − Day of Goodwill

Primary School


The 6-9 Curriculum consists of the following:
  • Language
  • Written and Oral Communication
  • Oral Communication
  • Mathematics
  • Cultural Studies
  • Astronomy
  • Formation of the Earth
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Early Man
  • Role of plants and animals in the food chain and the balance of life on our planet
For a detailed description of the 6-9 curriculum, Click here

The 9-12 Curriculum consists of the following:
  • Botany and Microscopic Study
  • Zoology
  • Physical Geography
  • Cultural Geography
  • World History
  • Health Sciences
  • Astronomy & Ecology
  • Scientific Method and Technology
  • Matter and Energy
  • African History
  • Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Going Out
For a detailed description of the 9-12 curriculum, Click here

Sensitive Periods

Sensitive periods occur throughout the first developmental stage 0-6 and continue throughout childhood. They are particular time spans in a child's life when he is sensitive to an incredible degree to a particular activity or interest. The first period of childhood is characterized by a more or less unconscious absorption from the environment. The second period is concerned with the acquisition of what Dr. Montessori referred to as "culture". This means that before the age of six, children want to name everything they possibly can, they want to know what and where .They are primarily interested in facts. After the age of six, they want to know why, how and when. They are interested in reasons, explanations and time perspectives.

It does not matter what they are called, the sensitive periods are critical to the child's self-development. They unconsciously know when it is time to learn a specific skill. The child's intensity reflects his need for that particular acquisition in order to live. However, once the period passes, he'll have to learn the skill with much more difficulty at another time.

During the age of six to twelve, it is normal for children to go through the following sensitive periods.
  • Reason and intelligence: It is not enough for the child to know but he also needs to know the reason why.
  • Imagination: the elementary child is in the age of imagination, this needs to be harvested as much as possible, in moving from the concrete to abstraction of work.
  • Absorption and acquisition of culture. The elementary child becomes more aware of other cultures as they nurture a respect of its own culture and the culture of others.
  • Morality: this is the sense of justice, and the child is interested in what is right and what is wrong. That is why a child of seven years will use the phrase "It's not fair" as there are no grey areas in their minds.
  • Independence and exploration: children become more interested in the wider world. They are eager to explore, to widen their contacts with the world outside the classroom, to perfect the capacities and talents in themselves.
  • Herding: children like to do things together with their friends and this is the age of "gangs" where they form social groups.

Sensitive periods for Toddlers and preschool
  • Birth – 6yrs : The mind to soak up as much information like a sponge. Sensory learning and experiences the child uses all five senses, touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing-to understand abd absorb information about his/her environment.
  • One and a half to 3 yrs: Language explosion; a child builds his/her future foundation for language.
  • One and a half to 4yrs: Development and co-ordination of the large and fine muscle skills for advanced developing grasp and release skill spawns an interest in any small objects.
  • 2-4yrs.:Very mobile with greater co-ordination and refinement of movement, increased interest in language and communication (they enjoy telling stories), aware of spatial relationships, matching, sequencing and order of objects.
  • 2 and a half to 6yrs: Works well incorporating all five senses for learning and adapting to the environment.
  • 3-6yrs.:Interest in and admiration for the adult world they want to copy adults, such as parents and teachers.
  • 4-5yrs.:Using one's hands and fingers in cutting, writing and all forms of art work. Their tactile senses are very developed.
  • 4-and a half to 6yrs.:reading and math readiness and eventually, reading and math skills

Adults often do not realize that a child has a sensitive period, perhaps because they do not remember them in themselves. A nine year old can be expected to be messy and less focused on routine than a six year old. It is quite normal as his developmental urges are demanding a focus on other skills.


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